[sork] passwd interface disappears

Eric Jon Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Tue Jun 5 17:39:37 UTC 2007

Quoting "Sebuliba Peter\(IFPRI\)" <admin at ifpri.or.ug>:

> activate the change password. But when I edit the backends.php 'Example SQL
> Server' to fit my database
> the change password interface disappears

Usually means you made a typo or other error in the configuration file.
Try running a "php -l" on it if you can (if you have a cli php available),
check your (php) log files for errors,  or post the config file (remove
any sensitive data like passwords or hostnames first).

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!

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