[sork] Vacation with Vpopmail = STOP receiving Mail
Rick Romero
rick at havokmon.com
Wed Oct 3 18:38:22 UTC 2007
On Wed, 2007-10-03 at 20:26 +0200, ALEX140384 at terra.es wrote:
> thanx Rick. I can't check the log right now because i'm not at work. I
> already tried what your link says but my configuration is a little bit
> different, I've individual tables for each domain and i got a diff
> error when i tried to patch the files. I've it now configured with the
> ftp .qmail driver compliant. It looks like working because the ftp
> works correctly, it logs in and creates a vacation folder in the users
> dirs. It's just when vacation is activated the mails don't enter in
> the inbox, and when I switch it off the mail enters correctly.
Ahh yes. Check the list ;) There was an issue with that a couple
months ago, and it should be a quick fix.
This thread:
You'll need to follow his pureftp setup - it won't work the way I posted
it. Though it sounds like you're already at that point.
> Is it very important to use autorespond only? vacation won't work?
Correct. vacation isn't designed to work with qmail/vpopmail :(
> Thanx again
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