[sork] Passwd tab sequencing

Simon Brereton simon.brereton at buongiorno.com
Wed Nov 9 15:30:33 UTC 2011

On 9 November 2011 08:55, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at buongiorno.com>:
>> Hi
>> I have two minor UI suggestions for the passwd module.
>> Firstly, the username comes prefilled (if supported), which is nice.
>> However, if the browser has save the password, this is also
>> pre-filled.  Whilst this is nice because it means the browser will
>> request to update the password after a successful change it is also a
>> danger.  Users who stay logged in can have their password changed
>> (either maliciously or not) because the authentication is already
>> there.  It would be better not to pre-fill that field, or other have
>> some other two-step authentication verification.
> Like you already said, this is a browser feature.

It's been a long long time since I did any web coding.  But I seem to
recall (and other sites manage it) that if you rename the password
field then the browser won't fill it.

>> Secondly, users are capable or and used to using the tab key to move
>> between form fields.  However, in the passwd module the tab key takes
>> you to the help icons (which if you have a resolution bigger then
>> 1024x768) are miles away from what they relate to.
>> I would propose therefore to make the tab sequencing..
>> Username:
>> Old password:
>> New password:
>> Confirm new password:
>> Change Password
>> Reset
>> Username Help
>> Old password Help
>> New password Help
>> Confirm new password Help
> Patch?

See above.  I would love to contribute but seriously it would take
more time for me to fix it than it would for you to build H5.  And
then you'd still have to fix it.  But I'll take a look :)


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