[swoosh] A little cash for swoosh

Kent Martin horde at kentsworld.com
Fri Jan 9 11:49:43 PST 2004

Hey folks,

I love the idea of swoosh and plan to use it while travelling later this
year, but, it lacks some functionality that would be required to make it
a really viable tool.  The most critical issue from my point of view at
this stage would have to be turba integration (so you can select a list
of recievers from a list/search/whatever).  I do not have the skill set,
nor the time to work on this myself but would really love to see it

Rather than just complain about it, I thought maybe I could offer a
little money, unfortunately not much (this is a personal endeavour, not
a commercial one), consider it an encouragement bonus :)

Furthermore, I have vague hopes that others might feel the same and
would consider a similar course of action in hopes of making this a real
incentive, not just for swoosh, but to get the current cvs versions of
the horde project as a whole up to a production release standard.

If one of the developers is interested in negotiating on this offer,
please contact me on kent at please_do_not_spam_me kentsworld.com.  Only
those devs who have been active on one of these lists need bother ;)



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