[conduit] Where's the source?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jun 16 08:55:31 PDT 2003

Quoting "Jason M. Felice" <jfelice at cronosys.com>:

> And if I do this, might SyncML be the way to go?

Definitely. We have a couple of people interested in SyncML so far, and as
far as I can tell, it will provide us with a good general interface for all
kinds of sync clients.

Marcus, do you have a bit of time to maybe outline what needs to be done
here, and see if we can break it all down into, perhaps, a bit of a plan?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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