[conduit] HotSync problems

dimon at intellinetinc.com dimon at intellinetinc.com
Tue Jul 15 09:12:11 PDT 2003


I just compiled and installed HordeConduit. Everything worked just fine at that 
point. But when I'm trying to configure Horde Connect, I
choose one of the users and when I first put the password and confirm it, it 
works. But when I'm trying to login for the second time, this error pops up: 
BTW, what this password is for?

HordeSync: There was an error retrieving your encrypted data. Some of your 
encrypted data has been lost.

Then I click OK, input username, password, link to rpc.php, click update to 
update list of Horde modules to sync. Everything works fine too at this point.

I restart HotSync and when I'm trying to Sync with my Palm that's what HotSync 
Memopad does not support Handles to Horde Syncing yet. And the same thing for 
all other modules.
I have most recent Horde installation (07/14/03 snapshot). Is that Syncing 
support still not implemented& Or maybe I have to tweak Horde somehow?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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