[sync] Re: Requirements for Horde/Framework/SyncML

Peer Oliver Schmidt pos at theinternet.de
Thu Jan 8 00:28:59 PST 2004

Good morning Anthony and Chuck,

thanks for your welcome messages. I

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
 > Our end goal is to have it work with Horde's Calendar, AddressBook,
 > etc. If you want to use our server to work with your own apps, you'll
 > be able to do that with a base Horde install (just Horde itself and
 > the framework packages) and some customization.

this is kind of a problem for me. I /try/ not to use rather large 
frameworks. If I have a need to fullfil, I try to find a small piece of 
code and will integrate it. "Just" for being able to sync, I'd rather 
not install the whole framework. But I might just well end up doing so, 
if that is the only way of getting this to work. I am currently even 
tempted to go shell-out some money to http://www.synthesis.ch/ and get 
there desktop ODBC syncing software for SyncML (at 100 EUR it might be 
the cheapest way).

But in the long run, I want to have a modul which is mostly self 
contained and does not need large frameworks.

Anthony Mills wrote:
> We are mostly missing the Sync methods (Slow sync, one way sync, etc), 
> the connections into the content (Appointments, notes, etc), and general 
> clean up of the the rest of the code.  If you would like to help, I can 
> point to the exact places that need work.  

If you do have a couple of places, I'd like to look at them, any maybe 
be able to provide some value.
Best regards

Peer Oliver Schmidt
the internet company

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