[sync] Re: SyncML update [PATCH]

Anthony Mills amills at gascard.net
Mon Feb 2 10:41:07 PST 2004

Johny wrote:
> Chuck,
> The SOAP handling is indeed correct (other than that it doesn't work ;) 
> when I use the browser :) Apologies, I do realise now what the 302 error 
> was, ta for that :)
> I've got some debugging into rpc.php (and have attached the diff as I 
> find this extremely useful, let me know if it's useful and I'll keep 
> sending them as I add them)
Debugging is good.

> When invoking rpc.php from my P800 I get further than with Firebird, but 
> it stops with no error messages whatsoever? I've got PHP errors logged 
> to file (tested with SOAP error previously), but nothing there.
> The line it stops on in rpc.php is;
>  $out = $server->getResponse($input, $params);
Are you sure it is stopping here?  And you get no errors in your php log 
file?  You should get some errors.  Check /tmp/sync.  You should have 
some files in here.  Are you timing out from the login?
You may have to debug into syncml.php.  Look for getResponse in that 
file.  I'm not sure I can help you without more input.  BTW, if you 
could/and don't mind.  Can you send me the output from :
 >      $input = $server->getInput();
 > +    Horde::logMessage(sprintf('Server input: %s', $input) , __FILE__,

I want to see if the output is what we expect.


> I get a nice log entry with data from the P800 from the previous line 
> (see my diff attached), so the connection is working good and it sends 
> XML to the server.
> I'm not asking anyone to find out why it stops, however, I'd like to 
> know how I can find this out without adding debug statements through the 
> code invoked by getResponse, i.e. how do I debug this beast ;) If 
> logging is the way I'll start tracking through it and adding logging, no 
> worries.
> There is nothing in the horde log, nothing in the PHP log (set to 'E_ALL 
> & ~E_NOTICE') and nothing in the Apache log (where some fatal errors end 
> up)
> The diff, I've used diff -u, if other formats preferred, lemme know.
> :)J
> ------
> [root at hugin horde]# cvs diff -u rpc.php
> Index: rpc.php
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /repository/horde/rpc.php,v
> retrieving revision 1.26
> diff -u -r1.26 rpc.php
> --- rpc.php     31 Jan 2004 17:01:32 -0000      1.26
> +++ rpc.php     31 Jan 2004 23:07:33 -0000
> @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
>  $input = null;
>  $params = null;
> +Horde::logMessage('Starting rpc.php', __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
> +
>  if (!empty($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) {
>      if (strstr($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], 'application/vnd.syncml+xml')) {
>          $serverType = 'syncml';
> @@ -39,6 +41,8 @@
>      $serverType = 'soap';
>  }
> +Horde::logMessage(sprintf('Server type: %s', $serverType) , __FILE__, 
> +
>  if ($serverType == 'soap' &&
>      (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) ||
>       $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST')) {
> @@ -56,13 +60,17 @@
>   * basic authentication against Horde, but backends can override this
>   * as needed. */
>  $server->authorize();
> +Horde::logMessage('Authorisation done' , __FILE__, __LINE__, 
> +
>  /* Get the server's response. We call $server->getInput() to allow
>   * backends to handle input processing differently. */
>  if ($input === null) {
>      $input = $server->getInput();
> +    Horde::logMessage(sprintf('Server input: %s', $input) , __FILE__, 
>  }
>  $out = $server->getResponse($input, $params);
> +Horde::logMessage(sprintf('Server response: %s', $out) , __FILE__, 
>  /* Return the response to the client. */
>  header('Content-Type: ' . $server->getResponseContentType());
> ----
> Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>> Quoting Johny <horde at agotnes.com>:
>>> Got the hooks.php.dist update, and copied it across to the hooks.php
>>> dir. Also, did a complete cvs update on both framework and horde, now I
>>> get this issue when testing the link from Firebird;
>>> Fatal error: Failed opening required 'SOAP/Server.php'
>>> (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /usr/share/pear/Horde/RPC/soap.php
>>> on line 43
>>> It goes and invokes the Soap handling by default, not SyncML as the P800
>>> does.
>> Right... you're not sending it a SyncML request. Send it something 
>> with the
>> Content-Type of either application/vnd.sycml+xml or
>> application/vnc.syncml+wbxml, and it'll invoke the SyncML handler 
>> (with WBXML
>> encoding/decoding around it as necessary).
>>> The 302 is weird, now it reports 200 as I'd expect, but doesn't seem to
>>> get anywhere from the call to rpc.php, so I'm adding a touch of
>>> debugging there to see what is happening now, hoping you guys will sort
>>> out the SOAP handling :)
>> It's not weird it all, I explained the fix in my reply. And the SOAP 
>> handling is
>> correct behavior.
>> -chuck
>> -- 
>> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
>> "Here, I brought some cole slaw. It's made from peeeooople! Just 
>> kidding."

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