[sync] Re: SyncML update [PATCH]

Johny horde at agotnes.com
Tue Feb 3 19:59:35 PST 2004

Quoting Anthony Mills <amills at gascard.net>:
> Johny wrote:
> > Chuck,
> > 
> > The SOAP handling is indeed correct (other than that it doesn't work ;) 
> > when I use the browser :) Apologies, I do realise now what the 302 error 
> > was, ta for that :)
> > 
> > I've got some debugging into rpc.php (and have attached the diff as I 
> > find this extremely useful, let me know if it's useful and I'll keep 
> > sending them as I add them)
> > 
> Debugging is good.
> > When invoking rpc.php from my P800 I get further than with Firebird, but 
> > it stops with no error messages whatsoever? I've got PHP errors logged 
> > to file (tested with SOAP error previously), but nothing there.
> > 
> > The line it stops on in rpc.php is;
> > 
> >  $out = $server->getResponse($input, $params);
> Are you sure it is stopping here?  And you get no errors in your php log 
> file?  You should get some errors.  Check /tmp/sync.  You should have 
> some files in here.  Are you timing out from the login?

Positive it is stopping there, and no errors, nor anything in /tmp/sync. That
is, the next line of code in that file isn't executed.

> You may have to debug into syncml.php.  Look for getResponse in that 
> file.  I'm not sure I can help you without more input.  

That was my plan, the question was, are log statements the way to go? If so, are
the ones I did of a good format and I'll keep them that way so they can be
included in the source for later...

Will let you know how far I get, it could well be a login problem, I'm not sure
at all how the P800 is trying to log in see....

>BTW, if you 
> could/and don't mind.  Can you send me the output from :
>  >      $input = $server->getInput();
>  > +    Horde::logMessage(sprintf('Server input: %s', $input) , __FILE__,
> I want to see if the output is what we expect.

Will do later today, I'll send direct to you rather than spam the list with it
(will check if there's anything 'private' there, regardless, you'll get a copy,
will let you know if sharing is good ;)



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