[sync] Status on Horde synching?

Joaquim Homrighausen joho at webbplatsen.se
Thu Sep 9 02:54:59 PDT 2004

  * Quoting Karsten Fourmont <fourmont at gmx.de> on 2004-09-09:

Your message certainly gives me reason to hope! :-)

Can I ask how synching a P900 with Kronolith/Tasks/Mnemo is accomplished?
Turba is obviously of great interest too.

Does one set-up a SyncML-server by only using the Horde framework, or is it
done some other way? By GPRS, WAP?

> unfortunately I haven't had much time lately do work on SnyML. I hope 
> this will get better by the end of the month.
> Syncing with a P900 currently works fine for Kronolith, Tasks and 
> Mnemo. (Only a few non-standard attributes like alarms are missing).
> I've got a patch for turba which makes contacts sync as well. Need to
> refine it a bit to make it work with Turba's flexible attribute 
> mapping (last name/first name seperate attributes or not).
> After finishing Turba, I'll try to look at the WBXML stuff.

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