[sync] Blank email addresses become "@localhost"

Deryk Piper deryk-lists at mod-soft.com
Mon May 9 12:21:05 PDT 2005

I'm wondering if anybody else is seeing this...

I've got a number of contacts that are without email addresses.  When I
do a sync these contacts are inserted into my Horde addressbook with
email addresses of "@localhost" (without the quotes).  This doesn't
occur if I import a vCard with a blank email address, or create a
contact in Turba with a blank email address.

>From what I can discern the information in log.txt looks correct in that
the generated vCard information doesn't contain an email address.

And for completeness: the IMAP server is running on the same machine as
Horde, and imp/configs/servers.php does refer to the mail server as

I can attach logs if it'll help.



Deryk Piper, B.A.Sc
 Network Manager
 Applications Development
Modular Software Ltd.

Web:    www.mod-soft.com
Email:  deryk at mod-soft.com
Phone:  905.890.3778 x225
FAX:    905.890.3845

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