[sync] Palm Tungsten E2 with Synthesis.ch client [success!]

Kevin Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Tue Jun 21 12:27:53 PDT 2005

Quoting Kevin Myer <kevin_myer at iu13.org>:

> Also, for the record, it looks like there might be a bug in the Synthesis
> client.  Even when I tell it to send a Reload Device (which should generate a
> 205 Alert from the client to the server), its sending a 201 Alert, which is a
> slow sync.  I reported it to Synthesis but haven't heard anything back from
> them yet.

Clarification from Synthesis, that I just received:

"This is on purpose, because from the server's viewpoint what happens 
at "reload
is exactly the same as with a slow sync where the device's database is empty.
The only
difference is in the client, which erases the local database before 
starting the

As there are quite a number of servers that do not support other modes 
than 200
and 201,
our clients always use 200/201 (which are mandatory in every server) 
instead of
possibly unavailable 204/205."

And of course, having said that I have things working, I wiped my 
Palm...and now
my calendar won't sync :/

Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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