[sync] still trying

Easy lists at digital.ktu.lt
Tue Jul 19 05:07:48 PDT 2005

By the way, synchronization works fine with "SyncClient Outlook 1.4.3" from 
sync4j. If the password is right it gives me:

Jul 19 13:51:02 HORDE [notice] [imp] Login success for user [my.ip.address] to 
{path.to.my.server:143} [on line 113 of 
Jul 19 13:51:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: authorized=1 version=1 msgid=1 
source=sc-pim-outlook target=http://path.to.my.server user=user 
charset=ISO-8859-1 [on line 211 of "/usr/lib/php/Horde/SyncML.php"]

If the password is wrong it gives:

Jul 19 13:59:55 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN my.ip.adress to 
path.to.my.server:143[imap/notls] as user [on line 237 of 
Jul 19 13:59:55 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: authorized= version=1 msgid=1 
source=sc-pim-outlook target=http://path.to.my.server user=user 
charset=ISO-8859-1 [on line 211 of "/usr/lib/php/Horde/SyncML.php"]

And wher trying to synchronyze from Cell phone there is only

Jul 19 13:07:37 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: authorized= version=1 msgid=1 
source=IMEI:356228002178777 target=http://path.to.my.server/rpc.php user= 
charset=ISO-8859-1 [on line 211 of "/usr/lib/php/Horde/SyncML.php"]

That means nothing about successfull or not successfull authentification... 
Maybe anyone has any ideas where to look now?

Algirdas Brazas 

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