[sync] Clearing out syncml history

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Aug 10 08:02:39 PDT 2005

Zitat von Iain McFarlane <imcfarla at tiscali.co.uk>:

> Hello,
> I have just flashed my phone with a new firmware and reimported all of
> my contacts/calendar entries and now I want to clear out my horde setup
> so that I don't end up with lots of duplicates.
> Can someone tell me:
> 1) what to delete to clear out any sync history for syncml (I know it
> will probably end up with a new ID but I don't need any of the old
> history)

The whole sync history is stored in the datatree tables with the 
"sycnml" groups_uid. Make sure to delete the matching attributes too.

> 2) how to remove all my contacts
> 3) how to remove all my calendar entries

 From where?


Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?

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