[sync] And one more time: Auth. problems

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Mon Sep 12 06:25:12 PDT 2005


 > Hello one more time.
 > So, I'we compared sync4j and horde sync logs. I'we found that: [...]

can you send me a copy of the messages in /tmp/sync. I'll try to have a 

> Simple question: how to check, what mime type is set when sending back the 
> packet? May it be, that it sends pure xml? Or the mime type is set not to 
> application/vnd.syncml+wbxml? 

mimetype is set in framework/RPC/RPC/syncml_wbxml.php:

     function getResponseContentType()
         return 'application/vnd.syncml+wbxml';

looks right.

> I cannot imagine any other reasons

I verified the message you posted against the DTD. It seems I messed up 
the order of SourceRef and TargetRef elements. Didn't even know that the 
order matters there. Anyhow, should be fixed in CVS now. Give it a try.

If the pone is still unhappy, try to temporary comment out lines 75-77 
of framework/XML_WBXML/Contenthandler.php:

         if (((!$currentUri) || ($currentUri != $uri)) && $uri) {
             $this->_output .= ' xmlns="' . $uri . '"';

This results in xmlns="foo" not being created anymore. Maybe the phone 
get's confused by this. (Sync4j does not produce it either, though it 
actually _is_ in the spec).


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