[sync] Syncing with SonyEricsson K750i/W800i?
Thomas Brochmann Pedersen
pede at daimi.au.dk
Wed Nov 23 14:10:44 PST 2005
I have successfully sunchronized the calendar and task list of a SonyEricsson
I cannot sync the addressbook, though. After the first two contacts have been
transfered I get the same message as Herman: "Session Failed. Invalid server
response" on the phone. In turba I get one new contact which only consist of
a phone number. no name, no nothing. I have tried to delete the empty contact
in turba, and add a new contact on the phone. It consisted of name (Ace) and
a phone number (123456789). After syncing again I got TWO contacts in turba
with only phone numbers - the one from before, and 123456789. So I suspect
that horde gets stuck on some information in my next contact (which can be
seen in the attached files - I have substitued sensitive information with A's
and 1's).
I use horde and turba from cvs checked out on Nov 17th. I have attached the
wbxml files from the session.
Thomas B. Pedersen
On Tuesday 22 November 2005 16:53, Herman Kuiper wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to get Horde to sync with my new SonyEricsson W800i phone.
> I think I entered all settings on my phone correctly, but keep getting
> "Session Failed. Invalid server response" messages on my phone. Some minor
> debugging show that Horde receives a WBXML message, and returns an answer
> before I get this message.
> Has anyone any luck with syncing one of the "regular" Sony phones?
> Regards,
> Herman
Thomas B. Pedersen
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