[sync] Sync experience HP2410 with Sync4j client again.

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Mar 17 01:43:39 PST 2006

Zitat von Han Spruyt <han.spruyt at ijsselgroep.nl>:

> Since my last attept a while ago I tested syncing again with the latest CVS.
> First of all, a lot has improved since last time! Great!
> There are still a few problems however.
> On first sync I started with a clean PDA and my working stuff in
> Horde&co. First I synced contacts and calendar.
> Not all contacts were copied to the PDA, Apparently because there is
> no 'Created' time for them. They are older contacts, so this fits.

turba/scripts/upgrades/2004-10-26_create_default_histories.php should  
theoretically fix this.

> In the calendar, there are some strange entrances. The start and end
> times of some events are shifted one hour. Below a few records from
> log.txt. the bottom one ends up allright in the PDA, the top one does
> not.
> It looks like there are periods that are allright while others are
> not, but I can not really make sense of it.

I don't know off my head, but any chances that the later event is  
during dst already?


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