[sync] SyncML 1.2

Erik Gustavsson cyrano at area26.no-ip.org
Sun Jul 2 07:24:49 PDT 2006

Karsten Fourmont wrote:
> Erik Gustavsson wrote:
>  > Well, as far as I can tell, this is the SyncML 1.2 standard (or the
>  > closest thing that exists).
>  >
>  > http://www.openmobilealliance.org/release_program/ds_v12.html
> Right. There really seems to be a new protocol version. I've made a 
> first shot at implementing this. It's in CVS right now. Using the wbxml 
> you send me as input the wbxml decoding works properly with these changes.
> However we run into another issue: the phone uses md5 challenge response 
> which is a good thing but not yet implemented.
> Maybe your phone falls back to auth:basic is md5 does not work, you have 
> to try.
> Anyhow: I have to work on md5. Can you send me the password you used in 
> the wbxml file you send me? Or create a new one with a dummy password.
> Cheers,
>  Karsten

I checked out the XML module from CVS. I now get this output in my log 
instead (and an "unknown error" message on the phone).

I'm using the 3.1.1 release of horde by the way, but I can switch to the 
CVS version if that would make any difference.

The username and password was "dummy" and "sync".

I'm also sending the wbxml files to you directly...


Jul 02 16:07:43 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: New session created: 
syncmlIMEIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [on line 172 of 

Jul 02 16:07:43 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: authorized= version=0 
msgid=1 source=IMEI:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx target=http://xxx/horde/rpc.php 
user=/5¹ÞæJÊxjöÜ–ÔüÊ charset=ISO-8859-1 wbxml=1 [on line 226 of 

Jul 02 16:07:43 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: looking for sync for 
contacts [on line 263 of 

Jul 02 16:07:43 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: Create new sync for 
contacts [on line 269 of 

Jul 02 16:07:43 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: create for 
syncType=contacts [on line 51 of 

Jul 02 16:07:43 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: SyncML: return message 
completed [on line 513 of "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/horde/lib/SyncML.php"]

Jul 02 16:07:43 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: caught output=<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined offset:  1 in 
<b>/var/www/localhost/htdocs/horde/lib/SyncML.php</b> on line 
<b>252</b><br />
  [on line 92 of 



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