[sync] Sync Notes with Palm using Synthesis Client when ISO-8859-1

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Fri Sep 29 05:36:40 PDT 2006


I have basically the same setup (UTF-8 with Synthesis and ISO8559 in 
A manual conversion shouldn't be necessary as long as the right NLS 
charset is set. However explicitly setting this was missing when using 

I added two lines:

to syncml_wbxml.php in the rpc package.

Please update the RPC package to cvs and give it a try. Thanks!

The horde log should report something like

"SyncML: authorized=1 version=1 msgid=# source=... charset=UTF-8 wbxml=1 
[on line 293..."

If there's another charset, something is wrong.


Patrick Abiven wrote:
> Hello
> Using Horde CVS and the Synthesis client 2.5 we are able to synchronize Notes between Horde and Palm. Thanks for your great work done on SyncML ! 
> Our database charset is ISO-8859-1 and the Synthesis client uses UTF-8 for Notes (text/plain). 
> So we have to modify /lib/SyncML/Device/Synthesis.php :
> function convertServer2Client:
>    if (NLS::getCharset() != "UTF-8" &&
>       strstr($contentType,'text/plain') !== false) {
>           $content = utf8_encode($content);
> }
> function convertClient2Server:
>     if (NLS::getCharset() != "UTF-8" &&
>        strstr($contentType, 'text/plain') !== false) {
>           $content = utf8_decode($content);
>     }
> Regards
> Patrick

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