[sync] fixes for m600i, SE K750i, and SymcML1.2 MD5 auth

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Fri Sep 29 05:46:35 PDT 2006


some fixes are now in cvs:

-fixed order of status response codes on a <Sync> Command to make it 
acceptable for a SE K750i.

-implemented Alert NEXT_MESSAGE (222). This doesn't require any action 
that isn't done anyhow. Just a proper status response.

-fixed bug in SyncML1.2 MD5 authorization. Still a hack but should now 
work as described in Backend.php. Please note: you currently have to 
manually modify Backend.php to get this working.
It would be great if someone could test this.

Other things that still need being fixed:

1) real syncml md5 auth:
IMHO the only proper long term solution for the MD5 authorization is to 
create an "crypt-md5syncml" encryption scheme in the Auth module. This 
would then have to use the same encryption method as described in the 
SyncML spec. Doing so requires some additional changes to Auth.php as 
the way of building the hash is somewhat different (i.e. includes the 

2) syncing more than one database at the same time
this works for some phones (Synthesis) but not for others it seems. I 
still have to figure out what part of the data in a sync session is 
related to the whole session in which part related to an individual 
database. I think currently a few things are "global" in state.php which 
would have to be part of Sync.php (one database sync).

3) correct handling of maxmsgsize
still have to look at this


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