[sync] Sync4j and Outlook

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Oct 3 20:10:33 PDT 2006

Quoting Muskingum Web Manager <webmgr at muskingum.edu>:

> Jan-- That would make sense to me, how should I go about testing that?
>         if ($a['DueDate'] == 0) {
>             $vtodo->setAttribute('DUE', 0);
>         } elseif ($a['DueDate'] != '45001231T230000Z') {
>             $vtodo->setAttribute('DUE',
> $iCal->_parseDateTime($a['DueDate']));
>         }
> This is what I'm using right now, which gets me from December 1969 to
> September 1970 (hooray progress!)... (as opposed to leaving out the initial
> 'if' and making the 'elseif' an 'if' (as is currently in CVS).
> I've messed around with changing ($a['DueDate'] == 0) and ('DUE', 0) in
> various formats and values to no other success.

Like Jan said have you tried just _not_ setting the 'DUE' attribute if  
the due date is 0?


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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