[sync] More P990 status and examples

Håvard Wigtil havardw at pvv.org
Thu Oct 5 02:06:02 PDT 2006

I've now synced with calendar, tasks, and notes without any problems. The
only bug(let) I've found so far is that meeting attendees in calendar
doesn't seem to be set from the phone.

I'm still having problems accessing wiki.horde.org and bugs.horde.org.
(I've notified my ISP also, but no response so far, as is to be expected
from NextGenTel.)

I've tried som web (based) proxies, they let med read the wiki, but
editing doesn't  work with the ones I've tried yet.
So could someone who doesn't have a messed-up connection add the contents
of the attached file to http://wiki.horde.org/SyncMLDevicesFileFormats ?

Håvard Wigtil || http://wigtil.net
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