[sync] SyncML update: Fixes for wbxml and Nokia phones

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Sun Oct 8 07:32:25 PDT 2006


some more patches to syncml due to feedback from Andy:

1) the options page didn't display the sync anchors correctly for the 
new (internal) storage format. Fixed
2) I used a php5 only feature which broke everything for php4 users. Fixed.
3) Improvements for Nokia phones! Updated WBXML decoding. At least the 
examples I got from Andy's Nokia N80 are parsed fine now.


Andy Wright wrote:
> Karsten Fourmont wrote:
>> Hi,
>> it seems that I used some PHP5 only features or such.
>> Changed it cvs.
>> Please update the SyncML package and try again.
>> Karsten
> Excellent - that seems to have worked...
> I'll do a more detailed test and submit a testsuite in a while.
> One (very!) minor point, looking on the SyncML page in Global options, 
> the server timestamp says 01/01/70
> Are the changes you have made recently likely to help with the Nokia N80 
> that I tried a few weeks ago or are the Nokias still a "To-Do" item?
> Thanks for all the work you're putting into this !
> Cheers,
> Andy.

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