[sync] *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: Syncing Turba contacts

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Sun Oct 15 09:32:31 PDT 2006


Photo support does not exist in turba yet (see turba mailing list, 
there's been requests recently).

Birthday: there's been an error in my sql script. object_bday should be 
varchar(10) rather than bigint. see my seperate posting for that. 
source.php is in there as well.


Håvard Wigtil wrote:
> Karsten Fourmont wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the current default turba (address book) database structure is not very
>> suitable for SyncML: only one name field instead of separate first name
>> and last name, address in one multi line field instead of split into
>> street city and so on.
>> The attached sql script provides a better structure.
>> Run the sql script to create the table. You need to have to
>> rename/delete/backup your orginal turba_objects table first.
>> You also have to use the attached sources.php (in the conf directory) or
>> paste it into your existing sources.php if you want to use multiple
>> sources.
> I don't see any attached sources.php.
> But does this mean that it's possible to sync contact photos and birthdays
> with current CVS?
> I can't find any (relevant) mention of photos in the current Turba sources.
> I also tried to use birthdays with your SQL configuration (using
> "birthday" from attributes.php), and when I try to store a birthday (e.g.
> 1975-08-04) it is shown as 01-01-1970 in the GUI, and stored as "1975" in
> the database.
> I'm guessing that CVS expects a field of another type tha BIGINT here.
> Are there changes to CVS that aren't committed, should I use a branch
> different from head, or is this just configuration problems on my part?
> (Or is there something more to updating from CVS than just "cvs up -dP" in
> the horde root directory to update everything?)

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