[sync] syncml question

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Tue Nov 28 02:38:18 PST 2006

Quoting Beat Binotto <beat.binotto at 7isolutions.com>:
> I'm using an older version of the syncml classes (I heard that they have
> been refactored). I wrote a backend for our applications.
Great! Happy do see someone actually using this backend concept.

> We are using the Funambol Outlook Pluging to sync with Outlook. Currently
> there's one problem:
> When there's a SlowSync and the Plugin sends all items to server it splits
> them up into more than one message if there are more than 350 items.
Yeah, this should be fixed in the current version.

> I think my current version of the horde syncml classes can't handle that. So
> I have the following questions:
> I heard that the code has been refactored, is that more or less finished?
Yes, the refactoring is finished.
> Does the refactored code support the case described above?
> Is it tested with the Funambol Outlook Plugin version 3.0.15 or later?
I use Funambol Outlook Plugin version 3.0.15. Works fine for me.  
However other people reported problems with this setup.

> What are the next development steps? Is there a roadmap page?
Well. Let's put it like this:
current SyncML Roadmap:
1) Create Roadmap


A bit more detailed:
1) fix the remaining protocol issues with special phones (like A1000)
2) enhance support for VCALENDAR data (not directly a SyncML issue,  
but related). This will be done in Kronolith (recurring events and such)
3) Future nifty features (I've got a lot in mind but don't want to  
start before spending some time on 1) and 2) so we can get a real  
release out.


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