[sync] Funambol and outlook

Ronan SALMON rsalmon at mbpgroup.com
Thu Aug 9 07:11:57 UTC 2007


I can't get the funambol 6.0.14 plugin for outlook 2003 SP2 to sync with
horde. I'm using horde's latest cvs version.

Right now, I'm just trying to sync contacts. I have only 2 contact in
horde and nothing in outlook. 

I've attached the funambol log file.

I don't see any errors in horde's logs.
Funambol seams to receive binary data at some stage which is wierd. 

Any ideas? 

-------------- next part --------------
2007-08-09 10:03:46 GMT +1:00 - # Funambol Outlook Plug-in v. 6.0.14 - LOG file

10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Starting the Sync process...
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Set a lower priority to the process
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Set listeners
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Creating SyncSources...
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Creating the sync-mutex ("fol-SyncInProgress-1186646626")
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Start SyncClient::Sync() with 1 sources
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - 
 ************************** BEGIN of Synchronization session **************************
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Synchronization URL:
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Preparing synchronization of contact...
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - devinfo: <DevInf xmlns="syncml:devinf"><VerDTD>1.1</VerDTD>
<Mod>Funambol Outlook Plug-in</Mod>

10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - devinfo hash: NCALW21byiDk3ma5Z2Qczg==
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - devinfo changed, retransmit
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Initialization message:
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Cred><Meta><Format xmlns="syncml:metinf">b64</Format>
<Type xmlns="syncml:metinf">syncml:auth-basic</Type>
<Meta><MaxMsgSize xmlns="syncml:metinf">250000</MaxMsgSize>
<Meta><Anchor xmlns="syncml:metinf"><Last>0</Last>
<Meta><Type xmlns="syncml:metinf">application/vnd.syncml-devinf+xml</Type>
<Data><DevInf xmlns="syncml:devinf"><VerDTD>1.1</VerDTD>
<Mod>Funambol Outlook Plug-in</Mod>
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - User Agent = Funambol Outlook Plug-in v. 6.0.14
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Initialization sent.
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Connecting to
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Requesting resource /horde/rpc.php
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Sending data of size 1862...
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Message sent
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Finished sending data of size 1862.
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Header: H?
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Reading response...
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Content-length: 517
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Receiving data of size 517...
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Finished receiving data of size 517.
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Response read:

10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [ERROR] - Error processing SyncHdr Status
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Checking for forced slow-sync...
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - ---------------------- contact BEGIN (mode "two-way") ----------------------
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - beginSync of contact source: opening Outlook session...
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Initialize COM library
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Create Outlook.Application instance...
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Logon to Outlook MAPI: default profile, show-dialog = true, new-session = false
10:03:46 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Outlook session opened successfully! Using: Outlook 2003.
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Reading ALL contacts from folder '\\Dossiers personnels\Contacts' (0 found)...
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Cannot find list of items from previous sync. All items will be sent as modified.
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Total contact items to send: 0
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Modification message: estimated size 0, allowed size 250000, real size 693 / estimated size 0 = 100%
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Modifications sent.
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Connecting to
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Requesting resource /horde/rpc.php
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Sending data of size 693...
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Message sent
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Finished sending data of size 693.
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Header: 
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Reading response...
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Content-length: 391
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Receiving data of size 391...
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Finished receiving data of size 391.
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Response read:
	??Z????????$?&???{?B	R??Eb?f?}?9r0hY?(6z@T
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [ERROR] - Server Failure: server returned error code -1
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - ----------------------  END (mode "none") ----------------------
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Server requested syncmode "none" for .
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Error occurred in sync: code 3 = Server Failure: server returned error code -1
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [ERROR] - Error in syncing: Server Failure: server returned error code -1
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - 
================   SYNCHRONIZATION REPORT   ================

Last error message = "Server Failure: server returned error code -1"
Last error code    = -1

    Sync completed successfully!
    Sync type: two-way

            | on Client | on Server
    New     |    0/   0 |    0/   0 
    Updated |    0/   0 |    0/   0 
    Deleted |    0/   0 |    0/   0 

10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Saving configuration to winRegistry
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Writing configuration settings to the management tree
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Closing Outlook...
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Deleting ClientApplication instance
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Outlook session closed successfully.
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Closing COM library...
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Releasing sync-mutex...
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Sync-mutex released - closing handle.
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Delete SyncSources...
10:03:47 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Syncronization process completed with errors (code = -1).
10:05:26 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Reading configuration settings from the management tree
10:05:27 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Deleting OutlookConfig instance
10:05:27 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Outlook configuration closed.
10:05:27 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Exiting from Outlook client.
-------------- next part --------------
DEBUG:  Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde created
DEBUG:  New session created: 2219927a28eecc9e752730a9a736699b
DEBUG:  checking auth for user=ronan
DEBUG:  authorized=1 version=1 msgid=1 source=fol-TUJQLTRCREIyRjhFOTUwOnJzYWxtb24= target= user=ronan charset=UTF-8 wbxml=
DEBUG:  SyncML: No info about previous syncs found for device fol-TUJQLTRCREIyRjhFOTUwOnJzYWxtb24= and database scard
DEBUG:  Create new sync for scard; synctype=201
DEBUG:  HandleFinal for state=0
DEBUG:  Received Final from client.
DEBUG:  Sending Final to client.
DEBUG:  SyncML: return message completed
DEBUG:  Finished at 2007-08-09 10:03:47. Packet logged in /tmp/sync/syncml_server_10.xml

DEBUG:  Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde created
DEBUG:  Existing session continued: 2219927a28eecc9e752730a9a736699b
DEBUG:  authorized=1 version=1 msgid=2 source=fol-TUJQLTRCREIyRjhFOTUwOnJzYWxtb24= target= user=ronan charset=UTF-8 wbxml=
DEBUG:  created device class SyncML_Device_Sync4j
DEBUG:  HandleFinal for state=1
DEBUG:  Not yet sending server sync data: special Funambol handling.
DEBUG:  Received Final from client.
DEBUG:  SyncML: return message completed
DEBUG:  Finished at 2007-08-09 10:03:47. Packet logged in /tmp/sync/syncml_server_11.xml

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