[sync] max message size approached

munzli munzli at olmero.ch
Wed Oct 3 13:49:05 UTC 2007


i have already mentioned this but we had the same problem with our 
phones, and a downgrade to an older cvs version helped. i couldn't 
locate the problem either. but a chance did influence the syncing of 
some devices.


Karsten Fourmont wrote:
> Hi,
> I've had a look at the logs you provided. The problem is: everything 
> looks fine to me. I don't know why funambol blackberry and syncje don't 
> like the format. The max message size feature is supposed to be in line 
> with the SyncML spec and tests run fine with the SyncML conformance suite.
> So what would really help is a log/protocol of a working session of 
> funambol blackberry or syncje with their respective servers: so that I 
> can see how things SHOULD look like.
> Cheers,
>   Karsten
> Jamie McClelland wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On Mon Aug 27, Jamie McClelland wrote:
>>>> I don't know why this breaks with the Blackberry. Can you send my the 
>>>> /tmp/sync contents of such a broken sync session (to my inbox, mailing 
>>>> list strips these attachments)? Please use a temp password and start 
>>>> with a clean /tmp/sync. See http://wiki.horde.org/SyncMLProblemReport
>>> Thanks Karsten - just sent directly to your email account. Very much
>>> appreciated!
>>> jamie
>> Last week I updated to the latest versions of horde and syncml.
>> With the blackberry funambol client, I've always gotten a String Index out of
>> range. However, with other clients (in this case I've been experimenting with
>> Syncje (http://www.nexthaus.com/blackberry.html) I usually haven't gotten an
>> error - it just hasn't fully synchronized. Now, with the latest versions of
>> syncml, I'm getting the same String index out of range error with Syncje.
>> Meanwhile, in the horde sync log, I'm getting the familiar:
>> DEBUG:  max msg size (8192) approached on add. Cursize=7690
>> I've posted the contents of /tmp/sync after four attempts to sync (all of
>> which had the same results).
>> It's here:
>> http://jamie.mayfirst.org/sync.tar.gz
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm happy to do any debugging or try
>> and code modifications that you think might help address this problem.
>> Thanks for all your help and work on such important software!!
>> Jamie
>> - -- 
>> Jamie McClelland
>> 718-303-3204 ext. 101
>> May First/People Link
>> Growing networks to build a just world
>> http://www.mayfirst.org
>> Members Local 1180, Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO
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