[sync] Syncing contacts and notes

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Nov 12 09:52:24 UTC 2007

Zitat von Lars Bjørndal <lars.bjorndal at broadpark.no>:

> Hello!
> Yesterday, I was able to sync the calendar data from Nokia N71 to
> Horde CVS from about medio October. After doing some more experiments,
> I got a problem:
> I decided to try syncing contacts and notes. A message told me that the
> sync was successfully done, but in the horde log, I had a message
> about a permission problem in one of my pgsql tables, mnemo_memo.
> After fixing this error, if I then try to sync once more, the phone
> won't try to send data, because it knows it has been sent already.
> What should I do to let the sync process start over again with all
> data sent once more? What about the calendar data, which already are
> synced, do I get double entires then?

Every sync client has features to force reloading the client from the  
server or vice versa.


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