[sync] Can't find where the field mapping is done...
Lukas Gradl
horde at ssn.at
Wed Apr 2 09:42:24 UTC 2008
Jan Schneider schrieb:
> Zitat von Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:
>> Hello @ all!
>> Tried to figure out where the mapping of the Sync-Fields to the internal
>> Horde fields is done. (e.g. "TEL;CELL" out of the SyncML-Request to
>> "cellphone" in turba)
>> I'm trying to improve the LDAP-Adressbook used here and want to transfer
>> more of the fields used by our PDA's.
>> Perhaps someone can point me to the right direction?
> turba/lib/Driver.php in the toHash() method.
> Jan.
Thanks for this information.
For me there are some fields missing in there. The Nokia implementation
of syncML e.g. sends a field TEL;CELL for mobile and TEL;CELL;HOME and
TEL;CELL;MOBILE for two additional numbers.
AFAIK it is possible to add them to toHash() without bothering current
installations. It would be necessary to add them to toHash() and to
As beeing new on this list and new to changing Horde (but not new to
coding *g*) I'm not shure where to bring in such patches...
Perhaps someone of the regulars could give me a little hint again?
software security networks
Lukas Gradl <horde#ssn.at>
Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 9
A - 6020 Innsbruck
Tel: +43-720-300168-0
Fax: +43-720-300168-21
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