[sync] client doesnt add/update a contact in turba

Holger Wegner holger.wegner at hamburg.de
Fri Jun 6 13:44:00 UTC 2008

another time me. Its solved now. I did switch on in the funambol client the encryption. the sync tool couldnt decrypt this and did set all fields of the new entry to NULL. Now it got, as noticed in the sql trace, all entrys from the database back, as the search criterias fields were empty.
There is no support for encryption? why didnt get that it couldnt decrypt the message, or is there somethink wrong with the decryption?


Quoting Holger Wegner <holger.wegner at hamburg.de>:

> Hi,
> I am still looking for the reason why no new entry in my 
> mobile-client addressbook is added to the horde addressbook, as it 
> means the entry is allready there, allthough it is not there. When I 
> look in the database the suid it finds is a completly different one.
> I switched on  a database trace when he makes a query on the database 
> to look for that name.
> It seems that it makes a query about the whole addressbook with the 
> where clause:
> ((LOWER(object_firstname) LIKE LOWER('%%') OR LOWER(object_lastname) 
> LIKE LOWER('%%'))))
> I would expect that between the %% should be the name if the new 
> entry. I suspect it takes now the first or last entry that it gets 
> back form the database and has it as allready created.???
> In the sync log its:
> Jun 06 13:35:08 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL query by 
> Turba_Driver_sql::_search(): SELECT object_id, owner_id, object_type, 
> object_members, object_uid, object_firstname, object_lastname, 
> object_nameprefix, object_bday, object_title, object_company, 
> object_homephone, object_workphone, object_cellphone, object_fax, 
> object_pager, object_email, object_alias, object_role, 
> object_category, object_homestreet, object_homecity, 
> object_homeprovince, object_homepostalcode, object_homecountry, 
> object_workstreet, object_workcity, object_workprovince, 
> object_workpostalcode, object_workcountry, object_url, object_notes, 
> object_pgppublickey, object_smimepublickey, object_freebusyurl FROM 
> turba_objects WHERE (owner_id = ? AND ((LOWER(object_firstname) LIKE 
> LOWER(?) OR LOWER(object_lastname) LIKE LOWER(?)))) [pid 2739 on line 
> 166 of "/opt/horde/turba/lib/Driver/sql.php"]
> Jun 06 13:35:09 HORDE [debug] [horde] Adding client entry to server: 
> already exists with server id 9b690924-d71c-09fb-049d-4643a867dea4 
> [pid 2739 on line 405 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Backend/Horde.php"]
> the sql select looks like this:
>  SELECT object_id, owner_id, object_type, object_members, object_uid, 
> object_firstname, object_lastname, object_nameprefix, object_bday, 
> object_title, object_company, object_homephone, object_workphone, 
> object_cellphone, object_fax, object_pager, object_email, 
> object_alias, object_role, object_category, object_homestreet, 
> object_homecity, object_homeprovince, object_homepostalcode, 
> object_homecountry, object_workstreet, object_workcity, 
> object_workprovince, object_workpostalcode, object_workcountry, 
> object_url, object_notes, object_pgppublickey, object_smimepublickey, 
> object_freebusyurl FROM turba_objects WHERE (owner_id = 'holweg' AND 
> ((LOWER(object_firstname) LIKE LOWER('%%') OR LOWER(object_lastname) 
> LIKE LOWER('%%'))))
> --
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