[sync] Synthesis iPhone SyncML Client

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Aug 25 23:32:25 UTC 2008

Zitat von Stefan Knöß <stefan at knoess.se>:

> Hi there,
> as the iPhone 3G was released I started to experiment with Horde  
> 3.2.1, Turba 2.2.1, a LDAP address server and the brand new  
> Synthesis iPhone SyncML client (1.0.1). Everything ran astonishingly  
> smooth, more or less out of the box (some tuning of the fields to  
> have a good match for LDAP, Turba and SyncML was necessary though).  
> Synchronizing and editing of the address book stored in a ldap  
> backend was working perfectly fine.
> But the amazing setup suddenly broke down after the latest update of  
> the Synthesis iPhone Client (1.0.4). After some discussion with  
> Lukas Zeller from Synthesis the picture got clear. The client 1.0.4  
> switched to preferred vCard v3.0 that the horde SyncML server  
> announces to support. But the datastore section of the  
> server_*.wbxml looks like this:
> <DataStore>
> <SourceRef>contacts</SourceRef>
> <Rx-Pref>
> * <CTType>text/**x-**vcard</CTType>*
> <VerCT>3.0</VerCT>
> </Rx-Pref>
> <Rx>
> <CTType>text/x-vcard</CTType>
> <VerCT>2.1</VerCT>
> </Rx>
> <Tx-Pref>
> * <CTType>text/**x-**vcard</CTType>*
> <VerCT>3.0</VerCT>
> </Tx-Pref>
> <Tx>
> <CTType>text/x-vcard</CTType>
> <VerCT>2.1</VerCT>
> </Tx>
> <SyncCap>
> <SyncType>1</SyncType>
> <SyncType>2</SyncType>
> <SyncType>3</SyncType>
> <SyncType>4</SyncType>
> <SyncType>5</SyncType>
> <SyncType>6</SyncType>
> </DataStore>
> The <CTType>text/x-vcard</CTType> section for vCard version 3.0  
> seems to be wrong. Could it be the type should read "text/vcard" and  
> not "text/x-vcard"? Please correct me if I am wrong.

This has been fixed already.

> Suddenly, everything seemed to be fine again. Thanks to vCard 3.0 as  
> the new communication protocol some more fields even were  
> synchronised.
> But then I detected a new problem. Most of the address fields are  
> now truncated and look like this in the data.txt protocol:
> output converted for client (text/vcard):
> EMAIL;TYPE=WORK:email at here.dot
> TEL;TYPE=HOME:+491234512345
> TEL;TYPE=WORK:+491234512345
> TEL;TYPE=WORK:+491234512345
> TITLE:Teamleader
> URL;TYPE=WORK:http://www.web.com/
> X-WV-ID:
> N:Lastname;Surname;;;
> FN:Surname Lastname
> ORG:TRW Automotive GmbH;
> ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;StrasseStrasseStrasse_StrasseStrasseStrasse;Schorndorf;Bade
> n-Württemberg;73614;Deutschland
> ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;IndustriestraÃ<9F>e
> 20;Alfdorf;Baden-Württemberg;73553;Deutschland
> If the ADR;TYPE=HOME or ADR;TYPE=WORK field exceeds a certain  
> length, not entered linefeeds and spaces are inserted into the  
> address structure. As I mentioned before, everything was fine with  
> vCard 2.1. What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to force Horde to  
> communicate in 2.1 as a workaround? I am not familar with PHP so I  
> have no idea how to debug that issue.

This is called line folding and is perfectly valid.

> The problem of the iPhone and the software distribution by the  
> AppStore simply is the missing possibility of a downgrade. So I am  
> stuck with a "better SyncML client", not working with Horde anymore  
> ... :-(
> I appreciate every comment.

Try recent snapshots.


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