[sync] Synthesis iPhone SyncML Client

Stefan Knöß stefan at knoess.se
Wed Aug 27 06:03:44 UTC 2008

Hello Jan,

thank you for your fast answer and that information. I will try with a 
recent snapshot within the next days.
Parallel, Lukas Zeller from Synthesis has offered to check their vCard 
3.0 implementation in their iPhone SyncML client. He received my log 
output from the stable horde (3.2.1).

Best regards

Jan Schneider schrieb:
> Zitat von Stefan Knöß <stefan at knoess.se>:
>> Hi there,
>> as the iPhone 3G was released I started to experiment with Horde 
>> 3.2.1, Turba 2.2.1, a LDAP address server and the brand new Synthesis 
>> iPhone SyncML client (1.0.1). Everything ran astonishingly smooth, 
>> more or less out of the box (some tuning of the fields to have a good 
>> match for LDAP, Turba and SyncML was necessary though). Synchronizing 
>> and editing of the address book stored in a ldap backend was working 
>> perfectly fine.
>> But the amazing setup suddenly broke down after the latest update of 
>> the Synthesis iPhone Client (1.0.4). After some discussion with Lukas 
>> Zeller from Synthesis the picture got clear. The client 1.0.4 
>> switched to preferred vCard v3.0 that the horde SyncML server 
>> announces to support. But the datastore section of the server_*.wbxml 
>> looks like this:
>> <DataStore>
>> <SourceRef>contacts</SourceRef>
>> <Rx-Pref>
>> * <CTType>text/**x-**vcard</CTType>*
>> <VerCT>3.0</VerCT>
>> </Rx-Pref>
>> <Rx>
>> <CTType>text/x-vcard</CTType>
>> <VerCT>2.1</VerCT>
>> </Rx>
>> <Tx-Pref>
>> * <CTType>text/**x-**vcard</CTType>*
>> <VerCT>3.0</VerCT>
>> </Tx-Pref>
>> <Tx>
>> <CTType>text/x-vcard</CTType>
>> <VerCT>2.1</VerCT>
>> </Tx>
>> <SyncCap>
>> <SyncType>1</SyncType>
>> <SyncType>2</SyncType>
>> <SyncType>3</SyncType>
>> <SyncType>4</SyncType>
>> <SyncType>5</SyncType>
>> <SyncType>6</SyncType>
>> </DataStore>
>> The <CTType>text/x-vcard</CTType> section for vCard version 3.0 seems 
>> to be wrong. Could it be the type should read "text/vcard" and not 
>> "text/x-vcard"? Please correct me if I am wrong.
> This has been fixed already.
>> Suddenly, everything seemed to be fine again. Thanks to vCard 3.0 as 
>> the new communication protocol some more fields even were synchronised.
>> But then I detected a new problem. Most of the address fields are now 
>> truncated and look like this in the data.txt protocol:
>> output converted for client (text/vcard):
>> VERSION:3.0
>> EMAIL;TYPE=WORK:email at here.dot
>> TEL;TYPE=HOME:+491234512345
>> TEL;TYPE=WORK:+491234512345
>> TEL;TYPE=WORK:+491234512345
>> TITLE:Teamleader
>> URL;TYPE=WORK:http://www.web.com/
>> BDAY:
>> NOTE:
>> X-WV-ID:
>> N:Lastname;Surname;;;
>> FN:Surname Lastname
>> ORG:TRW Automotive GmbH;
>> ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;StrasseStrasseStrasse_StrasseStrasseStrasse;Schorndorf;Bade 
>> n-Württemberg;73614;Deutschland
>> ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;IndustriestraÃ<9F>e
>> 20;Alfdorf;Baden-Württemberg;73553;Deutschland
>> BODY:
>> If the ADR;TYPE=HOME or ADR;TYPE=WORK field exceeds a certain length, 
>> not entered linefeeds and spaces are inserted into the address 
>> structure. As I mentioned before, everything was fine with vCard 2.1. 
>> What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to force Horde to communicate 
>> in 2.1 as a workaround? I am not familar with PHP so I have no idea 
>> how to debug that issue.
> This is called line folding and is perfectly valid.
>> The problem of the iPhone and the software distribution by the 
>> AppStore simply is the missing possibility of a downgrade. So I am 
>> stuck with a "better SyncML client", not working with Horde anymore 
>> ... :-(
>> I appreciate every comment.
> Try recent snapshots.
> Jan.

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