[sync] Fwd: Horde, SyncML and field mapping

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Dec 3 21:56:41 UTC 2008

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von bomhardt at bomhardt.de -----
      Datum: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 22:23:43 +0100
        Von: Christian Bomhardt <bomhardt at bomhardt.de>
    Betreff: Horde, SyncML and field mapping
         An: jan at horde.org

Hi Jan,

first of all, horde is a wonderful and great piece of software, I  
really like it. Thanks a lot. On monday, I just upgraded my old  
installation to the current 1.2 webmail in 2 hours - rather good thing  
especially if I consider the first install that took me several days...

One small thing is still missing from my side: an easy way to provide  
field mappings for SyncML - I'm trying to sync my adress book to a HTC  
Touch 3G with Funambol and really run into trouble as the fields don't  
match (I don't use the default fields but adjusted it before). Is  
there an easy way to map between SyncML device fields and turba fields  
or do I have to manually adjust the Driver.php?

If you provide me some hints, I'm giving it a try. If I succed, I will  
provide you the code back - as the Touch 3G is sold by 1 & 1 in  
Germany, I'd rather expect a larger audience interested in syncing  
horde with that device...

Thanks for your recommendations,


InfoTec EDV Consulting & Solutions
Inh.: Dr. Christian Bomhardt
Dieselstr. 14
76275 Ettlingen

Tel: +49 7243 94 75 97 - 22
Fax: +49 7243 94 75 97 - 30

----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----


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