[sync] Funambol + Horde + Windows Mobile 6.1

Patrick Lahni list at cykotix.com
Wed Mar 11 20:31:43 UTC 2009

Hello all,

I am trying to get to get Funambol working on my Windows Mobile 6.1  
device.  I was hoping I could get some advice on how to resolve the  
issue I'm having.

Here is my /tmp/sync/log.txt:

DEBUG:  Backend of class SyncML_Backend_Horde created
DEBUG:  Started at 2009-03-11 15:48:11. Packet logged in  
DEBUG:  New session created: b3e447ed0aff703b84f1e8e3fcdac595
DEBUG:  Checking authentication for user user1 at domain.com
DEBUG:  Authenticated: yes; version: 1.1; message ID: 1; source URI:  
fwm-00F3F517301334431; target URI: http://webmail.domain.com/rpc.php;  
user: user1 at domain.com; charset: UTF-8; wbxml: no
ERR:    Invalid database configuration. Try tasks, calendar, notes or  
DEBUG:  Received <Final> from client.
DEBUG:  Sending <Final> to client
DEBUG:  Return message completed
DEBUG:  Finished at 2009-03-11 15:48:11. Packet logged in  

In the specific setup of the plugin, I do have 'tasks', 'calendar',  
'notes' and 'contacts' in the appropriate places.  As a result of  
trying to connect on the device, Funambol creates the following log as  

15:48:17 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Wap push client unregistered successfully
15:48:17 GMT -5:00 [ERROR] - deregisterService: Service not found
15:48:18 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Starting configWorker thread
15:48:19 GMT -5:00 [INFO] -  
15:48:19 GMT -5:00 [INFO] -  
15:48:19 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - 2009-03-11 15:48:19 GMT -5:00 Funambol  
Pocket PC Plug-in 7.0.8 Log
15:48:19 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - DeviceID: fwm-00F3F517301334431
15:48:19 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Ip address:
15:48:19 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - IP address:
15:48:20 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Synchronization URL:  
15:48:20 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - Preparing synchronization of config...
15:48:20 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Checking devinfo...
15:48:20 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - devinfo hash: NkX1M2b37r1UwOm3szR1EA==
15:48:20 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - devinfo changed, retransmit
15:48:20 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Initialization message:
15:48:20 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - GPRS mutex created.
15:48:20 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Checking internet connection...
15:48:20 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Attempting to connect...
15:48:22 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Internet connection succesfully completed!
15:48:22 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - GPRS mutex released.
15:48:22 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - User Agent = Funambol Pocket PC Plug-in 7.0.8
15:48:22 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Cred><Meta><Format xmlns="syncml:metinf">b64</Format>
<Type xmlns="syncml:metinf">syncml:auth-basic</Type>
<Meta><MaxMsgSize xmlns="syncml:metinf">65536</MaxMsgSize>
<MaxObjSize xmlns="syncml:metinf">2010000</MaxObjSize>
<Meta><Anchor xmlns="syncml:metinf"><Last>1235423738</Last>
<MaxObjSize xmlns="syncml:metinf">2010000</MaxObjSize>
<Meta><Type xmlns="syncml:metinf">application/vnd.syncml-devinf+xml</Type>
<Data><DevInf xmlns="syncml:devinf"><VerDTD>1.1</VerDTD>
15:48:23 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Connecting to webmail.domain.com:80
15:48:23 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Requesting resource /rpc.php
15:48:26 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Message sent
15:48:26 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Data sent succesfully to server. Server  
responds OK
15:48:26 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Header:  
15:48:26 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Reading response...
15:48:26 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Content-length: 1075
15:48:26 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Response read:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SyncML  
xmlns="syncml:syncml1.1"><SyncHdr><VerDTD>1.1</VerDTD><VerProto>SyncML/1.1</VerProto><SessionID>1236800900</SessionID><MsgID>1</MsgID><Target><LocURI>fwm-00F3F517301334431</LocURI><LocName>user1 at domain.com</LocName></Target><Source><LocURI>http://webmail.domain.com/rpc.php</LocURI></Source><RespURI>http://webmail.domain.com/rpc.php</RespURI><Meta><MaxMsgSize xmlns="syncml:metinf">1000000000</MaxMsgSize><MaxObjSize xmlns="syncml:metinf">1000000000</MaxObjSize></Meta></SyncHdr><SyncBody><Status><CmdID>1</CmdID><MsgRef>1</MsgRef><CmdRef>0</CmdRef><Cmd>SyncHdr</Cmd><TargetRef>http://webmail.domain.com/rpc.php</TargetRef><SourceRef>fwm-00F3F517301334431</SourceRef><Data>212</Data></Status><Status><CmdID>2</CmdID><MsgRef>1</MsgRef><CmdRef>2</CmdRef><Cmd>Put</Cmd><SourceRef>./devinf11</SourceRef><Data>200</Data></Status><Get><CmdID>3</CmdID><Meta><Type  
15:48:27 GMT -5:00 [ERROR] - AlertStatus from server -1
15:48:27 GMT -5:00 [ERROR] - Error in preparing sync: AlertStatus from  
server -1
15:48:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Sync ended multiple sources.
15:48:27 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Synchronize is returning: -1.
15:48:27 GMT -5:00 [ERROR] - Sync not successful.
15:48:36 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - configSync ended with code -1
15:48:36 GMT -5:00 [ERROR] - Generic error, code -1
15:48:39 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Wap push client registered successfully
15:48:41 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - notifyAddressChange START....
15:48:41 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Ip address:
15:48:41 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Reading configuration settings from the  
management tree
15:48:42 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Reading configuration settings from the  
management tree
15:48:42 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - notifyAddressChange: config set

15:48:42 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Synchronization URL:  
15:48:42 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - Preparing synchronization of (null)...
15:48:42 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - no devinfo available
15:48:42 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Initialization message:
15:48:42 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Already testing GPRS connection, exiting.
15:48:42 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - GPRS mutex released.
15:48:42 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - User Agent = Funambol Pocket PC Plug-in 7.0.8
15:48:42 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Cred><Meta><Format xmlns="syncml:metinf">b64</Format>
<Type xmlns="syncml:metinf">syncml:auth-basic</Type>
<Meta><MaxMsgSize xmlns="syncml:metinf">65536</MaxMsgSize>
<MaxObjSize xmlns="syncml:metinf">2010000</MaxObjSize>
15:48:43 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Connecting to webmail.domain.com:80
15:48:43 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Requesting resource /devinfo
15:48:44 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - Message sent
15:48:44 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - HTTP request error: resource not found  
(status 404)
15:48:44 GMT -5:00 [INFO] - Address notification failed, STP not  
available (code 2060)
15:48:44 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - notifyAddressChange: prepareSync failed  
(2060: HTTP request error: resource not found (status 404))
15:48:44 GMT -5:00 [DEBUG] - notifyAddressChange END....

Any help would be appreciated as to where to look next.



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