[sync] Sync behavior - strange or usual?

Rashid N. Achilov achilov-rn at askd.ru
Fri Jul 24 12:04:39 UTC 2009

At start we has: empty addressbook in horde and 4 records in PDA, sync "phone 
to server". We do sync contacts (Funambol 6.5.18) and all 4 records goes in 
horde addressbook. Next, we delete one record on server and do sync again. 
Expected, that record, deleted from server, will transferred at server again? 
Or not? Does nothing, and now we have horde and PDA in _different_ states: 
horde has 3 records, PDA - 4, but "sync" completed. I think, this can very 
confuse casual users.

Next - how to really sync horde and PDA? Going in "Settings", deleting all 
syncML data and do sync again, PDA claims about "You'll do a full sync!", but 
transferred all data, we have overwritten existed data and restored deleted 

So, a question: when I do sync in "phone to server" mode and phone has 
records, deleted in server - should these records transferred to server and 
we have a bug, or these records shouldn't transfer and we have a limitation?
   With Best Regards.
   Rashid N. Achilov (RNA1-RIPE), JID: citycat4 at jabber.org
   OOO "ACK" telecommunications administrator, e-mail: achilov-rn [at] askd.ru
   PGP: 83 CD E2 A7 37 4A D5 81 D6 D6 52 BF C9 2F 85 AF 97 BE CB 0A

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