[sync] Problems syncing with funambol clients
Remko Muis
remko at familiemuis.net
Wed Aug 5 20:34:59 UTC 2009
Hi all,
I use the latest stable cvs version of horde, framework libs and several
applications. On my pocket-pc, I installed the funambol plugin for
Windows Mobile Pocket PC's, v. 7.2. In Thunderbird, I have v. 0.9.1 of
the Funambol Mozilla Sync Client installed. Neither of these work,
although I followed the directions of the Wiki, have all the required
pear packages installed (as far as I can see), commented out the 'realm'
line in servers.php, disabled compress pages, etc. There are no logs in
/tmp/sync and nothing reported in /tmp/horde.log. I don't use SSL,
because I use self-signed certificates.
The Win Mobile plugin simply says: Please wait: checking your
credentials... and then complains: Sync not completed, please try later.
If the error persists, contact Technical support. Syncing with
myFunambol works, however.
The Mozilla plugin is more informative, the log is attached. I tried
contacts, notes and tasks separately, but to no avail.
I also use the funambol plugin for Outlook, which works better (but
seems to crash when encountering recurring events), so the strange thing
is that I have a working combination of horde + one Funambol plugin, but
can't get other plugins to work!
Can anybody please help me out? Thanks in advance!
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