[sync] Problems syncing with funambol clients

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Aug 6 08:50:52 UTC 2009

Zitat von Remko Muis <remko at familiemuis.net>:

> Hi all,
> I use the latest stable cvs version of horde, framework libs and several
> applications. On my pocket-pc, I installed the funambol plugin for
> Windows Mobile Pocket PC's, v. 7.2. In Thunderbird, I have v. 0.9.1 of
> the Funambol Mozilla Sync Client installed. Neither of these work,
> although I followed the directions of the Wiki, have all the required
> pear packages installed (as far as I can see), commented out the 'realm'
> line in servers.php, disabled compress pages, etc. There are no logs in
> /tmp/sync and nothing reported in /tmp/horde.log. I don't use SSL,
> because I use self-signed certificates.
> The Win Mobile plugin simply says: Please wait: checking your
> credentials... and then complains: Sync not completed, please try later.
> If the error persists, contact Technical support. Syncing with
> myFunambol works, however.
> The Mozilla plugin is more informative, the log is attached. I tried
> contacts, notes and tasks separately, but to no avail.
> I also use the funambol plugin for Outlook, which works better (but
> seems to crash when encountering recurring events), so the strange thing
> is that I have a working combination of horde + one Funambol plugin, but
> can't get other plugins to work!
> Can anybody please help me out? Thanks in advance!

The server thinks this is a SOAP request. This could only happen if  
the client is sending the request with an incorrect MIME type. To  
correctly determine SyncML requests, the incoming MIME type must be  
either application/vnd.syncml+xml or application/vnd.syncml+wbxml. If  
the clients send something different, it's broken.


Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
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