[sync] Sync problem, Funambol 8.0.3/Horde 3.3.4/Blackberry 8330 Part 2

Lawrence McAbee lcm at mcabee.org
Sat Sep 5 13:15:05 UTC 2009


In feedback from both Horde and Funambol (thanks for that btw):

Funambol version 8.0.3 does not accept sif-c. Apparently is does not  
log an error, just ignores the sif-c data. Funambol wants vcard.

Horde seems (from lib/SyncML/Device/Sync4j.php) to send contacts as sif-c:

I made the following change:

<             /* $content = SyncML_Device_sync4j::vcard2sif($content);
<             $contentType = 'text/x-s4j-sifc'; */
>             $content = SyncML_Device_sync4j::vcard2sif($content);
>             $contentType = 'text/x-s4j-sifc';
<             $contentType = 'text/x-vcard';

To the convertServer2Client call in the Sync4j.php. The section of the  
call now reads:

case 'text/x-vcard' :
             /* $content = SyncML_Device_sync4j::vcard2sif($content);
             $contentType = 'text/x-s4j-sifc'; */
             $content = base64_encode($content);
             $contentType = 'text/x-vcard';
(Note, I kept the b64 conversion Funambol wants)

I am now getting entries for everything in Horde to my BlackBerry.  
However, the mapping seems broken somewhere. No email addresses and  
other settings are not getting set on the blackberry.

I'll attach synclog.txt and /tmp/sync files.

My questions are:

*) I see no where for convertServer2Client to pass just x-vcard to the  
client. Am I mis reading something?
*) I do see in devinfo.txt that my BB should get sif-c. Where is that  
set? Is that Funambol asking, or Horde setting?
*) The vcard data looks ok, why isn;t Funambol putting the attributes  
in the right place?

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