[sync] Sync problem, Funambol 8.0.3/Horde 3.3.4/Blackberry 8330 Part 2

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Sep 6 15:45:09 UTC 2009

Are they kidding? They made every SyncML server supporting their  
proprietary SIF formats because they didn't support the established  
standards - and now that everyone has implemented it, they dropped  
support for it? This got to be a bad joke.

Zitat von Lawrence McAbee <lcm at mcabee.org>:

> Ok.
> In feedback from both Horde and Funambol (thanks for that btw):
> Funambol version 8.0.3 does not accept sif-c. Apparently is does not  
>  log an error, just ignores the sif-c data. Funambol wants vcard.
> Horde seems (from lib/SyncML/Device/Sync4j.php) to send contacts as sif-c:
> I made the following change:
> 139,140c139,140
> <             /* $content = SyncML_Device_sync4j::vcard2sif($content);
> <             $contentType = 'text/x-s4j-sifc'; */
> ---
>>            $content = SyncML_Device_sync4j::vcard2sif($content);
>>            $contentType = 'text/x-s4j-sifc';
> 142d141
> <             $contentType = 'text/x-vcard';
> To the convertServer2Client call in the Sync4j.php. The section of  
> the  call now reads:
> case 'text/x-vcard' :
>             /* $content = SyncML_Device_sync4j::vcard2sif($content);
>             $contentType = 'text/x-s4j-sifc'; */
>             $content = base64_encode($content);
>             $contentType = 'text/x-vcard';
>             break;
> (Note, I kept the b64 conversion Funambol wants)
> I am now getting entries for everything in Horde to my BlackBerry.   
> However, the mapping seems broken somewhere. No email addresses and   
> other settings are not getting set on the blackberry.
> I'll attach synclog.txt and /tmp/sync files.
> My questions are:
> *) I see no where for convertServer2Client to pass just x-vcard to  
> the  client. Am I mis reading something?
> *) I do see in devinfo.txt that my BB should get sif-c. Where is  
> that  set? Is that Funambol asking, or Horde setting?
> *) The vcard data looks ok, why isn;t Funambol putting the  
> attributes  in the right place?


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