[sync] ActiveSync Wiki Page

Johny Ågotnes horde at agotnes.com
Wed Nov 7 01:40:54 UTC 2012

Hey there,

Thanks to Mike for fixing AutoDiscovery issues lately! In reading the  
list I saw some Wiki commits going through as well and noticed that  
iOS 6 is still listed there (http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync) with;

-- Broken email push, issues with meeting invitations and responses.

I've had Horde 5 with ActiveSync 2.0.0 to 2.0.2 and iOS 6.0.1 running  
for 5 days now with no Push issues I've noticed. I'm not using the  
Calendaring much against Horde so can't really say I've exercised that.

I also note that 6.0.1 reportedly fixes the meeting issues;

If there are specific email push issues I should look out for - please  
let me know - otherwise I can report in as a happy ActiveSync email  
user with iOS6.0.1 and AS 2.0.2 :)



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