[sync] ActiveSync troubles

Lukas Gradl horde at ssn.at
Tue Nov 6 03:08:54 UTC 2012

Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

>> Can you try updating to the latest Horde/ActiveSync package and  
>> trying this now? I think you were hitting up against the  
>> sync_cache's data field size in the database due to the large (over  
>> 3000!) mail folders. The sync_cache is only used in EAS 12.1 and  
>> above, so that explains why this only broke when using the newer  
>> version.
>> There were some other oddities in the log, but they are just poorly  
>> implemented protocol handling in the client and (hopefully)  
>> shouldn't cause any problems other than wasted bandwidth.
> I guess I should also mention that you must run the new database  
> migration for ActiveSync via the administration UI as well.

Yes - that solved the problem. It seems that this change had some  
positive side-effects as well as the initial sync is working  
flawlessly on my i9000 as well.




software security networks
Lukas Gradl <horde#ssn.at>
Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 6
A - 6020 Innsbruck
Tel: +43-512-214040-0
Fax: +43-512-214040-21

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