[sync] Excessive logging for ActiveSync

Arjen de Korte arjen+horde at de-korte.org
Tue Feb 19 20:55:24 UTC 2013

I'm seeing loads of debug messages being logged in /tmp/horde_debug.txt:

[ array dump removed ]

1. Horde_Rpc_ActiveSync->getResponse() /srv/www/htdocs/horde/rpc.php:157
2. Horde_ActiveSync->handleRequest()  
3. Horde_ActiveSync_Request_Base->handle()  
4. Horde_ActiveSync_Request_Ping->_handle()  
5. Horde::debug() /usr/share/php5/PEAR/Horde/ActiveSync/Request/Ping.php:166

Is this debug statement intentional or a left-over from debugging  
during development? Looking at the context, it looks like there is  
nothing abnormal going on, so I suspect the latter. I have commented  
it out for now, to stop this file from growing excessively (it grew to  
100's of megabytes within days of activating e-mail in ActiveSync). I  
don't have debugging enabled by the way...

Best regards, Arjen

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