[sync] Sync problems

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Feb 6 17:29:22 UTC 2014

Quoting Ivan Kouvykov <ivan at kouvykov.com>:

> Hello,
> I have encountered the following two problems with ActiveSync:
> 1.  On Windows Phone 8 (Lumia 920, Lumia 1020) I am unable to  
> download attachments

Cannot reproduce on my WP8 device, a Lumia 822, on the Amber update.  
Nor can I reproduce this on any other one of my test devices. Does it  
work for you on other clients? Any errors in the horde log, the  
synclog, the webserver log, the mail server log?

> 2.  Some calendar events do not sync across devices:
> a.  WP8 → Horde – all tested combinations sync correctly (1 hour,  
> several hours and all day events with following reoccurrences – no,  
> daily, weekdays, weekly, monthly, yearly – 12 altogether)
> b.  WP8 → Horde → OL2013 everything from above syncs except for:
>                         i.   All day monthly – created all day from  
> 6.02 every 6th of month – landed in outlook as every 5th of month  
> starting on 6.02

Cannot reproduce. Created an all day event that repeats on the 6th of  
every month on my WP device. It was synchronized to Horde - shows in  
Kronolith on the 6th of every month, and was successfully sent to  
Outlook where it, too, shows it on the 6th of every month. Is Outlook  
using the same timezone as Horde and your WP client?

>                       ii.   All day yearly – similar to above –  
> created from 6.02.14 every 6.02 of year – appears in outlook as  
> every 5.02 of year starting on 6.2.14

Same as above.

> c.  More or less the same behaviour when syncing OL2013 → Horde →  
> WP8 (monthly and yearly all day events do not sync) but I did not  
> perform more thorough tests yet.

Same as above.

The Horde Project

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