[sync] CID Images is show in outlook 2013 but not in android devices...

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu Sep 25 14:17:39 UTC 2014

Quoting Soporte Tecnico <soporte at sysvirtuales.com>:

> Hi * I have installed horde webmail ver  5.2 with active sync enable... and
> I have this problem...*
> *when from outlook 2013 I paste an image in mail body (not as attachment)
> and I send the email  to other contact in the same domain (the same server)
> I see diferents behavior ...*
> *first in other outlook 2013 client (active sync or not) I can see the
> pictures in body...*
> *second in webmail the default status of this images is blocked with red
> area (in some cases, in others I can see it) and when I press the button to
> unblock the images I can see it...*
> *but in android devices the images are simple no show on my body...*
> *I have enable the html mail view... but I don't kown what other things to
> do to solve this for my client...*
> *Tks for your help...*

I'd have to see the sync log for the android device, but it sound like  
you either didn't enable html on the *client*, or it doesn't support it.

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