[trean] wrong field to show

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sun, 8 Sep 2002 13:51:47 -0400

Quoting Mike Cochrane <mike@graftonhall.co.nz>:

> 1. a) should you be able to set individual folders as private, shared, or
> public.
>    b) Or should this be done on collections of bookmarks like in
> kronolith where you switch between calendars, should we be switching 
> between bookmark colections?

I think a) would be better - it' more analogous to Kronolith, actually,
since you can think of bookmarks like events, and bookmark folders as shared

>  b is defininatly more efficient from the Shares:: side of things as this
> was kinda how it was designed to be used. if this is what people want.. 
> what is a name for this bookmark collection?

Well, it's only more efficient because there are fewer shares, right? If
people go hog-wild sharing bookmarks, that's one thing.

> 2. Should the current categories stay named as categories or be called
> folders?

In Trean? I don't have a strong opinion on this one.

> 3. what things do you hate most? what things do you want? what changes
> would you suggest? (don't worry, i won't ask for patches for them :-))

Wow, generous offer. <g> The preferences that have been discussed before -
open in a new window, make bookmarks in a new window - are the only things
at the top of my list. I'd like to see the listing be a little slicker and
maybe more compact (right now, especially the bookmark listing with
edit/delete icons is hard to follow because the icons for the left column
are right up against the right column). I know Eric R. had some ideas about
how to extended features - keyword searches, etc. - but it's a pretty nice
set of features right now.

Alright, though, here's one random idea... what about being able to bookmark
pieces of Horde apps, too? So you could bookmark a task, or a search in
Whups, or a mailbox, or a particular contact/contact list... ? Not entirely
sure how useful it would be, but it kind of intrigues me.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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