[turba] multiple contact databases / preferred mechanism

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 12:07:13 -0500

Quoting Terry Davis <tdavis@birddog.com>:

> I have everything set up and is working great.  I have a question.  This
> is going to be a 
> busy box hosting several domains for email.  I would like to have a
> separate database for each 
> server.  I like the preferred mechanism that IMP uses.  Is there a way
> to tie into that but have a separate 
> database for each 'server'?  I think I know how to do it but want to
> know if this has been thought of.

Nothing like that is currently planned... It doesn't quite fit into the way 
that Turba is currently designed. Could you elaborate a bit more on why you 
need this, and what exactly you need?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11