[turba] Trouble adding new entry...
Ray Van Dolson
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 21:21:19 -0700 (PDT)
First off, thank you for all the helpful responses. This seems like a
really basic problem and it's frustrating that it still won't work. Let
me outline the exact steps I've gone through:
Installed PHP 4.0.6
Installed horde-cvs, imp-cvs and turba-cvs. IMP works fine--I can send
and receive email using it from multiple sites.
However, I am still getting this error when I attempt to add an entry to
the addressbook:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: quote() in /usr/local/apache-1.3.20/htdocs/horde/turba/lib/Driver/sql.php on line 149
This is because I didn't have the latest cvs version of Pear installed on
my system. Should be easy to fix right? :) First off let me say that
there are no other php.ini files, pear paths or anything on my system.
The only things that exist are:
/usr/local/lib/php (and the stuff under it)
First of all I grabbed the php4/pear cvs tree and cp -pr'd it over
/usr/local/lib/php. No go. Same error even though I can see the quote()
function in DB/common.php. Just seems to ignore it!
Then I restored the original php tree and went into my /usr/local/lib
cvs -d :pserver:cvsread@cvs.php.net:/repository login
cvs -d :pserver:cvsread@cvs.php.net:/repository export -D "last week" php4/pear
Now I have /usr/local/lib/php and /usr/local/lib/php4/pear. This is the
method suggested by the Pear DB tutorial on vulcanonet.com. I tried the
following combinations for my include_path:
include_path = '/usr/local/lib/php4/pear:/usr/local/lib/php'
include_path = '/usr/local/lib/php4/pear'
include_path = '/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php4'
(all three verified using phpInfo())
The same darn quote() error still comes up no matter what the permutation.
Even if I remove the old /usr/local/lib/php tree and completely replace it
with the new CVS pear one, I still get the error. This is frustrating
because I can see the quote() function in the DB/common.sql file! Heck I
even went into Driver.sql and added @include_once 'DB/mysql.php'. That
did nothing as well however.
Anyways, is there anything blatantly wrong with my procedure above? I
feel like I've tried the obvious, checked to make sure there were no other
files on the system that might be conflicting but still it won't work.