[turba] Trouble adding new entry...

Mathieu CLABAUT mathieu.clabaut@free.fr
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 08:53:37 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Ray Van Dolson wrote:

> Anyways, is there anything blatantly wrong with my procedure above?  I
> feel like I've tried the obvious, checked to make sure there were no other
> files on the system that might be conflicting but still it won't work.
 Did you restart your httpd daemon to take the include_path into account (Last
 suggestion i can found... I think it would be of no importance if you replace
 the pear directory...but who knows ?...)


Mathieu CLABAUT                            mailto:mathieu.clabaut@free.fr
DIGINEXT                                     http://mathieu.clabaut.free.fr
45, impasse de la draille, P.A. La Duranne,   tel: 04 42 90 82 91   
13857 Aix En Provence - cedex 3               fax: 04 42 90 82 80