[turba] trouble writing to LDAP.... Undefined index: dn in /usr/local/horde/turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php on line 285

Steve Neuharth steveneu@tiny.net
Thu, 6 Sep 2001 19:51:10 -0500

source is....
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

no errors in the web server errorlog but in php.log...
[06-Sep-2001 19:19:02] PHP Warning:  Wrong parameter count for var_dump() in
r/local/horde/turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php on line 288

so what should I be dumping?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Hagenbuch" <chuck@horde.org>
To: <turba@lists.horde.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: [turba] trouble writing to LDAP.... Undefined index: dn in
/usr/local/horde/turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php on line 285

> Quoting Steve Neuharth <steveneu@tiny.net>:
> >   Thanks for the response. I'm still getting a big ol blank screen when
> > try to add a user to the directory.. is there any way to dump the bind
> > status to system variables so I can tell what is going on?
> You can put var_dump() calls in lib/Driver/ldap.php; you should also check
> httpd log files, since blank screens usually indicate segfaults (I assume
> you've done view source?).
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> Some fallen angels have their good reasons.
> --
> Turba mailing list: http://horde.org/turba/
> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
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>From chuck@horde.org Date: Thu,  6 Sep 2001 20:55:14 -0400
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Subject: Re: [turba] trouble writing to LDAP.... Undefined index:  dn in /usr/local/horde/turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php on line 285

Quoting Steve Neuharth <steveneu@tiny.net>:

> [06-Sep-2001 19:19:02] PHP Warning:  Wrong parameter count for var_dump() in
> /usr/local/horde/turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php on line 288

Sorry, you need to var_dump a specific variable. Like the result of ldap_bind, 


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.

>From eculp@EnContacto.Net Date: Thu,  6 Sep 2001 18:22:18 -0700
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Subject: Re: [turba] trouble writing to LDAP.... Undefined index:  dn in /usr/local/horde/turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php on line 285

Do you have an access list in your slapd.conf that may be in
conflict with what you are trying to do.  You might try a variant of 

access to * by * write 

in your slapd.conf until you work this out.

I also assume that you have 
    'public' => true,
    'readonly' => false
in your turba/sources.php for testing?

What is your acl 

Quoting Steve Neuharth <steveneu@tiny.net>:

|   Thanks for the response. I'm still getting a big ol blank screen when I
| try to add a user to the directory.. is there any way to dump the bind
| status to system variables so I can tell what is going on?
| > Quoting Steve Neuharth <steveneu@tiny.net>:
| >
| > >   I changed bind_dn to dn and bind_password to password (duh) now I get
| no
| > > error but I still get a white screen and the add fails.
| > >   I also failed to mention that I'm running HEAD outta CVS. (turba ver
| > > 0.0.3)
| >
| > bind_dn and bind_password were correct; change that back. dn is an array
| of
| > attributes that should be combined into your dn - for my local ldap
| server, I
| > just use cn. So:
| >
| > 'dn' => array('dn'),
| >
| > Try that...
| >
| > -chuck
| >
| > --
| > Turba mailing list: http://horde.org/turba/
| > Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
| > To unsubscribe, mail: turba-unsubscribe@lists.horde.org
| >
| >
| >
| -- 
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