[turba] Multiple objectclasses

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Wed, 15 May 2002 11:11:41 +0200

Zitat von Pär Aronsson <par.aronsson@nohup.se>:

> When using gq to view an entry added using Turba I see it only use one
> objectclass, even though several are mentioned in sources.php. It seems
> to use only the last objectclass mentioned. As I understand it there is
> no single schema matching the attributes used by Turba. Editing schema
> files is not recommended by the ldap folks. 
> I want Turba to use attributes from all objectclasses in sources.php,
> that way things will show up nicely in other mail-ldap clients.

> $cfgSources['ldap jessica'] = array(
>     'title' => 'Hemma dot com',
>     'type' => 'ldap',
>     'params' => array(
>         'server' => 'jessica',
>         'port' => 389,
>         'root' => 'ou=Addressbook,o=hemma,c=com',
>         'bind_dn' => '',
>         'bind_password' => '',
>         'dn' => array('cn'),
>         'objectclass' => 'top',
>         'objectclass' => 'person',
>         'objectclass' => 'organizationalperson',
>         'objectclass' => 'inetorgperson',
>         'objectclass' => 'evolutionperson',

You overwrite the former objectclass parameters with the last one. Multiple 
objectclasses are currently not supported by Turba.


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